How much are 500 shares of Nike in 1983 worth today?
I'm trying to find out what the current value would be for 500 shares of Nike stock purchased in 1983.

When was Comdex 1983?
Comdex 1983 was a computer trade show that took place in November of 1983. It was one of the biggest computer trade shows in the world at that time, and a key event for the industry. Microsoft used this platform to showcase its upcoming products, including early versions of Windows.

How much is 1983 Moutai worth?
I'm curious, could you tell me the estimated value of a 1983 Moutai bottle? As a collector's item and a rare vintage, it's intriguing to understand its market worth. Are there any specific factors that influence its pricing, such as condition, rarity, or demand? Additionally, how do you suggest one might go about appraising such a bottle accurately? I'm eager to learn more about this fascinating aspect of the wine and spirits world.