Can MDS be cured?
I've been diagnosed with MDS and I'm really worried. I want to know if there's a cure for this condition. Is it possible to fully recover from MDS, or are there only treatments to manage the symptoms?
How can type 1 diabetes be cured in 2024?
I want to know if there's a way to cure type 1 diabetes in 2024. I'm interested in the latest treatments or medical advancements that could potentially lead to a cure for this condition.
Who cured pox?
I'm wondering who was the person or group that successfully treated or eliminated pox, which is a disease that has caused a lot of suffering in the past.
What diseases do pangolin scales cure?
I've heard that pangolin scales have some medicinal properties. I'm curious to know what specific diseases or conditions these scales are believed to cure. Can someone provide me with detailed information on this?
What is the fastest cure for HFMD?
My child has been diagnosed with HFMD and I'm really worried. I want to know what the fastest way to cure this disease is so that my child can recover quickly.