Do I need a DBA for my LLC in California?
I am considering whether or not I need a DBA for my LLC in California. I want to understand the requirements and benefits of having a DBA for my business in this state.
How many DBAs can an LLC have in California?
I'm wondering about the rules in California for Limited Liability Companies. Specifically, I want to know how many Designated Brokers or DBAs such a company can have.
Can my LLC own a brokerage account?
I am wondering if my LLC, which is a limited liability company, is allowed to own a brokerage account. I want to use this account for investing purposes but I'm not sure if it's permissible.
Do I need a DBA in California if I have an LLC?
I am considering whether or not I need a DBA for my LLC in California. I want to know if it is necessary or beneficial to have a DBA for my business in this state.
Can I transfer money from my LLC to my personal account?
I am the owner of an LLC and I am wondering if it is possible for me to move funds from my LLC's account to my personal bank account.