What is the exchange rate in Banco Santander in Mexico?
I am planning to conduct a transaction at Banco Santander in Mexico and I need to know the current exchange rate they offer. I want to make sure I am getting the best value for my money.

What is the rarest numismatic coin in Mexico?
I'm interested in learning about the rarest numismatic coin from Mexico. I would like to know which coin stands out as the most uncommon or valuable in terms of numismatics in Mexico.

How to exchange 50 centavos coin Mexico for cash?
I have some 50 centavos coins from Mexico and I'm wondering how I can exchange them for cash. I'm not sure if I should go to a bank, a currency exchange, or if there's another way to convert these coins into money that I can use.

Where can I buy Mexico Estados Unidos 50 centavos coins?
I'm looking to purchase Mexico Estados Unidos 50 centavos coins. I'm wondering where I can find and buy these specific coins.

Did Mexico made any silver coins?
I'm curious if Mexico has ever produced silver coins. I've heard that Mexico has a rich history of minting coins, and I'm wondering if they ever made any silver ones.