How much is MicroStrategy's bitcoin worth?
I am curious about the value of MicroStrategy's Bitcoin holdings. I would like to know how much their bitcoin is currently worth.

Will MicroStrategy buy $42 billion of bitcoin?
I heard that MicroStrategy might buy a massive amount of bitcoin, worth $42 billion. Is this true? I'm curious about their potential investment in cryptocurrency and its impact on the market.

Should MicroStrategy keep investing in Bitcoin?
MicroStrategy has been investing heavily in Bitcoin recently, and I'm wondering if they should continue this trend. With the volatility of the cryptocurrency market, it's hard to predict if this is a wise decision for their future.

Should Saylor & microstrategys bitcoin Gamble work?
I'm considering whether Saylor's and MicroStrategy's decision to invest heavily in Bitcoin is a wise move. Given the volatility of the cryptocurrency market, I'm wondering if their gamble will pay off in the long run.

Does MicroStrategy control bitcoin?
I'm wondering if MicroStrategy has any control over bitcoin, since they've been investing heavily in it. Do they actually have any influence or control over the cryptocurrency?