Questions tagged [non-vegan]

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BitcoinWarrior BitcoinWarrior Fri Aug 30 2024 | 6 answers 1048

Why are scallops not vegan?

Why is it that scallops, which are often considered a delicious seafood delicacy, are not considered vegan? Veganism is a dietary lifestyle that excludes all animal products, including meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. Scallops, being a type of mollusk that lives in the ocean, clearly come from an animal source. But what exactly about scallops makes them incompatible with a vegan diet? Is it the fact that they are sentient beings, capable of feeling pain and suffering? Or is it something else entirely? Let's dive deeper into the topic and explore the reasons why scallops are not considered vegan.

Why are scallops not vegan?

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