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What year is 2029?

2029 (MMXXIX) will be a common year starting on Monday of the Gregorian calendar, the 2029th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 29th year of the 3rd millennium, the 29th year of the 21st century, and the 10th and last year of the 2020s decade. Predicted and scheduled events

When is Eurovision 2029?

May – The 2029 Eurovision song contest is scheduled; the location is typically determined by the previous year's winner. June 26 – Total lunar eclipse. With an umbral eclipse magnitude of 1.84362, it will be the largest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century.

What will happen to the banking industry in 2029?

By 2029, more than 10% of banking jobs have been eliminated compared to a decade earlier, adding up to some 200,000 roles in the U.S. * Retail branches and call centres are the hardest hit, where over a quarter of staff are no longer needed.

What is the Moon Transit in 2032?

In 2032, it observes moon transits, i.e. moons and their shadows as they pass in front of Jupiter. Transits of both Europa and Io occur on 27th January 2032. In September 2032, the spacecraft returns to Ganymede and enters into orbit (as opposed to a flyby), becoming the first spacecraft to orbit a moon other than Earth's moon.

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