Could you please provide an example of an early repayment charge? I'm trying to understand how it works in the context of a loan or other financial agreement. When would such a charge typically be imposed, and how does it affect the overall cost of borrowing? I'm particularly interested in how it differs from other types of fees or penalties that might be associated with a loan. Thank you for your assistance in clarifying this concept for me.
5 answers
Tue May 14 2024
As the years progress, the ERC gradually decreases. In the second year, it would be 4%.
Tue May 14 2024
The closer you are to the end of your mortgage term, the lower your early repayment charges may be.
Tue May 14 2024
By the third year, it would further drop to 3%, and so on.
Tue May 14 2024
Consider a scenario where you have a 5-year fixed interest rate mortgage.
Tue May 14 2024
In the first year, you would face a 5% early repayment charge (ERC).