Could you elaborate on the rate of theta decay? I'm curious to know how quickly it diminishes over time and what factors influence this process. Could you also explain any mathematical models or formulas that are used to calculate theta decay? Understanding this concept is crucial for my financial decision-making, so I appreciate your assistance in clarifying this matter.
5 answers
Sat May 25 2024
The theoretical decay for these OTM options is significantly lower, at only $0.06 per day. This is because the chances of these options expiring in the money are initially lower, resulting in a slower rate of time decay.
Sat May 25 2024
Theta is a crucial metric in the assessment of options contracts. It represents the rate of time decay, indicating how much the value of an option is expected to decline due to the mere passage of time.
Sat May 25 2024
Let's consider an example to illustrate the concept. Assume a stock is currently trading at $215. The call options with a strike price of $215, which are considered at the money (ATM), possess a theta value of .10.
Sat May 25 2024
This theta value implies that the value of these options contracts will decay approximately $0.10 per day. This decay occurs regardless of any other market movements, solely due to the passage of time.
Sat May 25 2024
On the other hand, if we look at the call options with a strike price of $230, which are out of the money (OTM) by $15, the situation is slightly different.