What currency is DGB?
I'm trying to understand the currency of DGB. Is it a cryptocurrency, or some other form of digital asset? I'd like to know more about its value and where it can be used.
What is the highest price of DGB?
I'm interested in knowing the highest price point that DGB has reached. I want to understand the peak value it has attained in the market.
What is the prediction for DGB in 2030?
I'm wondering about the future of DGB, specifically in the year 2030. I want to know what the prediction or forecast is for DGB's performance or value in 2030.
Which coin is DGB?
I'm trying to figure out what coin is represented by the abbreviation DGB. There are so many cryptocurrencies these days, and I want to make sure I'm looking at the correct one. Can someone clarify which coin DGB stands for?
Does DGB have a future?
I'm wondering if DGB, also known as DigiByte, has a promising future. I'm curious about its potential for growth and whether it's worth investing in.