Do employers recognise Codecademy?
I'm wondering if employers in the industry generally acknowledge or recognise Codecademy as a credible source for learning coding skills.

Who hires cryptologists?
I'm curious to know, who exactly hires cryptologists in today's world? Are they primarily employed by government agencies to protect sensitive information, or do private corporations also seek out their expertise? Are there specific industries that tend to rely heavily on cryptologists, such as finance or technology? And with the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, are there new opportunities emerging for cryptologists in this field as well?

Who hires cryptographers?
Who are the primary employers of cryptographers in today's world, and what kind of industries or sectors tend to seek out their expertise? Are there any specific roles or job titles that cryptographers might find themselves occupying within these organizations? Furthermore, what skills or qualifications are typically sought after by employers looking to hire cryptographers, and how can aspiring cryptographers best position themselves to be attractive candidates in this highly specialized field?

Can employers pay employees with cryptocurrencies?
Could you elaborate on the feasibility and implications of employers paying their employees with cryptocurrencies? Would this be a practical solution for both employers and employees? Are there any legal considerations that should be taken into account? How would the value of cryptocurrencies fluctuate and potentially affect employees' incomes? Are there any tax implications for both employers and employees when paying or receiving salaries in cryptocurrencies? What are the potential risks and benefits associated with this payment method? And finally, how could employers ensure transparency and fairness in the payment process when dealing with cryptocurrencies?