Can you catch HFMD twice?
I had HFMD once and recovered from it. Now, I'm wondering if it's possible to get infected with HFMD again. Can a person catch HFMD twice or is it something that you can only get once in your lifetime?

How do you know when HFMD is over?
I'm wondering how to determine if HFMD, this condition I'm concerned about, has come to an end. What are the signs or symptoms that indicate its resolution?

What can be mistaken for HFMD in adults?
I'm wondering what conditions or symptoms in adults might be easily confused or mistaken for HFMD. Are there any specific illnesses or signs that can lead to such misdiagnosis?

Does HFMD stay in your body forever?
I want to know if HFMD, once contracted, remains in a person's body indefinitely or if it can be eliminated over time.

Can I go to work with my child with HFMD?
I'm wondering if it's possible for me to take my child, who has HFMD, to work with me. I need to know if there are any risks or precautions I should take.