How to calculate 1 ton?
I want to know how to calculate or define 1 ton. Is it based on weight or volume? What is the standard measurement for it? How can I convert other units to tons?

How is 10X calculated?
I'm trying to understand how the term '10X' is calculated. I've heard it in business and investment contexts, but I'm not sure about the specific methodology or formula behind it.

How do you double tokens?
I've been playing this game where you can earn tokens, and I want to know how I can double my tokens. Is there a strategy or a trick to increase my token count quickly? I'm looking for ways to maximize my earnings.

How do you weigh a coin?
I have a coin and I want to know its weight. However, I'm not sure how to do it accurately. Can someone tell me the steps or the tools I need to use to weigh this coin?

How can I pay with Crypto com?
I want to know how I can make payments using Crypto.com. I'm not sure about the steps or the process involved, so I need some guidance on how to go about it.