Wed Oct 02 2024
7 回答数
《寓言人》适合儿童观看吗? [。*。]你好呀! 我很好奇《寓言家》是否适合孩子们。 作为父母,我想确保电影的内容适合我的孩子的年龄。 能否请您介绍一下这部电影是否适合儿童观看? 我应该注意哪些主题或场景? 预先感谢您的帮助!
Hello there! I'm curious about the suitability of "The Fablemans" for kids. As a parent, I want to make sure that the content of the film is age-appropriate for my young ones. Could you please provide some insights into whether this movie is okay for children to watch? What kind of themes or scenes might be present that I should be aware of? Thanks in advance for your help!