Wed Oct 02 2024
7 回答
《寓言人》適合兒童觀看嗎? [。 我很好奇《寓言家》是否適合孩子。 身為父母,我想確保電影的內容適合我的孩子的年齡。 能否請您介紹一下這部電影是否適合兒童觀賞? 我應該注意哪些主題或場景? 預先感謝您的幫忙!
Hello there! I'm curious about the suitability of "The Fablemans" for kids. As a parent, I want to make sure that the content of the film is age-appropriate for my young ones. Could you please provide some insights into whether this movie is okay for children to watch? What kind of themes or scenes might be present that I should be aware of? Thanks in advance for your help!