Could you please explain which is superior, Virgin hair or Remy hair? I've been hearing a lot about both types but I'm still not quite sure which one to choose. Virgin hair seems to be quite popular, but Remy hair is also highly praised. I'm particularly interested in knowing about their durability, texture, and ease of styling. Is Virgin hair more natural-looking? Or does Remy hair offer better value for money? Could you also tell me about any potential drawbacks of each type? I'm really looking forward to your insights on this matter.
6 الأجوبة
Wed May 15 2024
الجودة لها أهمية قصوى عند النظر في خيارات الشعر.
Wed May 15 2024
يبرز الشعر البكر باعتباره الخيار الأفضل.
[د] تميزه في جودة الشعر لا مثيل له.
Wed May 15 2024
يليه شعر ريمي عن كثب، وهو بديل موثوق به.
Wed May 15 2024
الشعر غير الريمي، على الرغم من أنه مقبول، إلا أنه يفتقر إلى جودة الشعر الآخر.
Tue May 14 2024
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