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What is the price of Arkham (arkm)?

The price of Arkham (ARKM) is BTC0.00002422 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $102,517,682.09. This represents a -7.90% price decline in the last 24 hours and a -22.80% price decline in the past 7 days. With a circulating supply of 230 Million ARKM, Arkham is valued at a market cap of BTC5,629.9883 .

What is arkm (arkm)?

Its token, ARKM, serves as a governance that allows holders to vote on strategic decisions, as a medium of exchange within the ecosystem, and as a reward for users providing crypto intel. The current Arkham price is $2.78. In the last 24 hours Arkham price moved +7.56%. The current ARKM to USD conversion rate is $2.78 per ARKM.

How much is arkm in USD?

The current ARKM to USD conversion rate is $2.78 per ARKM. The circulating supply of Arkham is 217,994,687 ARKM and the current Arkham market cap is $606,025,231. 15,817 ARKM was purchased today on Kraken worth $43,972. Have you placed your ARKM order yet? Kraken makes it easy to get started. Sign up today to buy and sell 260 cryptocurrencies.

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