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About BTCC
Top cryptocurrency derivative exchange
Established in June 2011, BTCC is an authorised and regulated cryptocurrency exchange that provides investors with a simple and convenient way to invest in cryptocurrency.
Through the BTCC platform, you can invest and trade a broader range of global financial markets, including stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and other popular products.
BTCC NFT Market place
Launched by BTCC Exchange, BTCC NFT Marketplace provides all information about non-homogenised tokens (NFT). It is a decentralised NFT Marketplace running across Ethereum, Solana, OKC, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche C, Immutable X, Aptos, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Klaytn.
By browsing NFT art, collections, and more on the marketplace, crypto enthusiasts and investors can discover and trade unique and valuable NFT tokens with our comprehensive crypto information.
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Risk warning: Digital asset trading is an emerging industry with bright prospects, but it also comes with huge risks as it is a new market. The risk is especially high in leveraged trading since leverage magnifies profits and amplifies risks at the same time. Please make sure you have a thorough understanding of the industry, the leveraged trading models, and the rules of trading before opening a position. Additionally, we strongly recommend that you identify your risk tolerance and only accept the risks you are willing to take. All trading involves risks, so you must be cautious when entering the market.
The world’s longest-running cryptocurrency exchange since 2011 © 2011-2025 All rights reserved