Can you be awake while on ECMO?
I'm curious if a person can remain awake and conscious while undergoing ECMO treatment. Is it possible to maintain consciousness during this procedure?

Can a person be awake on ECMO?
Certainly, let's explore this question with a thoughtful and curious tone. "I'm intrigued by the idea of someone being awake while undergoing ECMO treatment. Is it truly possible for a person to maintain consciousness during this intensive medical procedure? I understand that ECMO, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, is typically used in critical care situations to support the heart and lungs when they're unable to function adequately on their own. But could the patient still be awake and aware of their surroundings, despite the severity of their condition and the complexity of the treatment they're receiving?

Are you awake during ECMO?
Hello there, I'm curious about something regarding ECMO therapy. I understand that it's a life-saving procedure for patients with severe heart or lung failure, but I'm wondering - are patients typically awake during the process? I've heard mixed things about it, so I'm hoping to get a clearer understanding. Does being on ECMO necessarily mean being unconscious, or can patients remain conscious and aware of their surroundings? I'd appreciate any insights you can provide on this matter.

Is an awake BBL safer?
Could you elaborate on why you believe an "awake" Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure would be safer than a traditional BBL? Are there specific risks associated with sedation or anesthesia that you're concerned about? Additionally, how does the patient's level of consciousness during the surgery impact the overall safety and effectiveness of the procedure? Could you provide any evidence or studies that support your belief that an awake BBL is safer? It's important to note that the safety of any surgical procedure depends on a variety of factors, including the skill and experience of the surgeon, the patient's overall health, and the specific surgical techniques used.