Do cops use EMPs?
I've been wondering if police officers use EMPs in their operations. Are they equipped with such devices to disable electronic equipment during chases or raids?
Why do cops zigzag on the highway?
I've noticed that when police cars are driving on the highway, they sometimes zigzag between lanes. I'm curious about the reason for this behavior. Is it a specific driving technique they use? Or is it just a way to keep alert and aware of their surroundings?
How much is $1 dollars in cops?
I'm trying to convert 1 US dollar to Colombian pesos. I want to know the current exchange rate or an estimation of how much $1 would be worth in Colombian currency.
Why do cops touch car when pulled over?
I've noticed that when police officers pull over a car, they often touch the vehicle. I'm curious about the reason behind this action. Is it a routine procedure or does it serve a specific purpose?
Do cops accept az mobile id?
I was wondering if police officers would accept the digital version of my ID on my phone, specifically the az mobile id, as a valid identification when I'm asked to provide one.