What is act utilitarianism in ethics?
Act utilitarianism in ethics is a moral philosophy that judges the correctness of an action based on its ability to promote happiness or reduce suffering. It focuses on the consequences of individual actions, evaluating them according to the overall utility or happiness they produce.
What is ethics and examples?
I want to understand the concept of ethics and see some real-life instances that illustrate it.
When did situation ethics start?
I'm trying to understand the origins of situation ethics. I want to know when this concept or movement started to emerge.
How has ethics evolved over time?
I'm interested in understanding how ethical standards and principles have changed and developed throughout history. Have they adapted to social, cultural, and technological advancements? Or have they remained largely unchanged?
When did ethics first begin?
I'm interested in knowing the origin of ethics. Specifically, I want to understand when the concept of ethics first emerged in human society.