How much is $1000 BTC in NGN?
I want to know the equivalent amount of $1000 worth of Bitcoin (BTC) in Nigerian Naira (NGN).
How much is a USDT swap to NGN?
I want to know the current exchange rate or value when swapping or converting USDT to NGN. Specifically, how many Nigerian Naira (NGN) will I get if I swap or convert 1 USDT?
What is the pair of Usdt and NGN?
I want to know about the pair of USDT and NGN. What does it represent and how does it work in the context of cryptocurrency and fiat currency exchange?
Is NGN a fiat currency?
I'm curious about NGN. I want to know if it's considered a fiat currency or not. I've heard the term 'fiat currency' before, but I'm not entirely sure what it means in the context of NGN.
How much is $1 USD to NGN?
I'm trying to find out the current exchange rate for converting US dollars to Nigerian naira. Specifically, I want to know how much $1 USD would be worth in NGN.