When was Syscoin launched officially?
Syscoin was officially launched in August 16, 2014.

How do you say welcome officially?
Greetings, esteemed listener. I am curious to know, in the realm of formal etiquette, what is the most appropriate way to convey a warm and sincere welcome? Is it through a grandiose greeting laden with formalities, or a more succinct yet heartfelt expression? How does one strike the perfect balance between demonstrating respect and fostering a sense of warmth and camaraderie? I am eager to hear your thoughts on this matter.

How do I officially name a star?
How does one officially name a star? Is there a specific process or organization that one must go through to have a star named in their honor or for a particular reason? I'm curious about the logistics behind naming a celestial body and whether it's a straightforward process or if there are certain regulations or restrictions in place. Additionally, I'd like to know if there's a cost associated with naming a star and if it's something that can be done by an individual or if it requires a group effort.