Why is aleph silent?
I've noticed that the letter aleph is silent in some words, and I'm wondering why. Is there a specific reason for this silence? I'm curious to know the linguistic or historical background behind this phenomenon.

Why is Celestia silent?
I've been wondering why Celestia has been so quiet recently. She used to be so talkative and lively, but now she barely says a word. I'm really concerned about her and want to understand what might have caused this sudden change in her behavior.

What is a story without words called?
Could you enlighten me on the term used to describe a narrative that conveys its message without the use of verbal language? Is there a specific label for such a form of storytelling that relies solely on imagery, body language, or other nonverbal means to evoke emotions and tell a tale? I'm curious to know how this type of storytelling is recognized and referred to within the realms of literature, art, and performance.