When are Fiji dollar (FJD) exchange rates updated?
Fiji dollar (FJD) exchange rates are typically updated daily, reflecting changes in the market. The specific time of the update may vary depending on the source, but it generally occurs at the end of the trading day or during the overnight processing period.
How often are exchange rates updated?
I'm wondering how frequently exchange rates are updated. Is it daily, hourly, or maybe even more often? I need to know this to ensure I'm getting the most accurate information for my financial transactions.
When are XEU exchange rates updated?
I want to know the specific time when the XEU exchange rates are updated. Is it daily, hourly, or in real-time? I need this information to make informed decisions for my financial transactions.
When are exchange rates updated?
I'm planning to transfer some money abroad and want to know when the exchange rates are updated. Is it daily, weekly, or does it vary depending on the currency?
Can I withdraw money if KYC is not updated?
Excuse me, I'm a bit confused about the process. Could you please clarify something for me? If my Know Your Customer (KYC) information is not up to date, would I still be able to withdraw money from my account? I understand the importance of keeping my KYC information current for security and compliance reasons, but I'm just wondering if there's any way to access my funds if I happen to be in a situation where my KYC isn't fully updated. Could you please elaborate on this matter? Thank you in advance for your assistance.