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What is ajaxform in HTML?

ajaxForm provides the simplest way to enable your HTML form to use AJAX. It's the one-stop-shopping method for preparing forms. What is the difference between ajaxForm and ajaxSubmit? ajaxSubmit submits the form, ajaxForm does not. When you invoke ajaxSubmit it immediately serializes the form data and sends it to the server.

When should I use ajaxform?

Use ajaxForm when you want the plugin to manage all the event binding for you. Immediately submits the form via AJAX. In the most common use case this is invoked in response to the user clicking a submit button on the form. Use ajaxSubmit if you want to bind your own submit handler to the form.

What are ajaxform & ajaxsubmit methods?

The main methods, ajaxForm and ajaxSubmit, gather information from the form element to determine how to manage the submit process. Both of these methods support numerous options which allows you to have full control over how the data is submitted. Submitting a form with AJAX doesn’t get any easier than this!

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