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What is Bai-Salam?

In other words, Bai-salam is a sale where by the seller undertakes to supply some specific commodities/products to the buyer at a future time in exchange of advance price fully paid on the spot. The risk of Al-Arafah Islami Bank limited is defined as the possibility of losses, financial or otherwise.

What is the Ballman?

BallMan is a dangerous, but mainly observing creature for the player. It looks like a Steve but on face there is some kind of circle that resembles a mask. Lives in April Fools' version 20w14∞, on one of the worlds. Once I wanted to have a kind of challenge and play in one of the worlds of April Fools' version 20w14 ∞.

What is a barrelman?

A barrelman was the person stationed in a barrel on the foremasts of early oceangoing vessels to help with navigation. There would have been a barrelman on the RRS Discovery, so the name brings together Dundee’s seafaring past and our vision of exploring new flavours with customers at the pub.

What does “Bailamos” mean?

“Bailamos” translates as “we dance”, which contributes to the track’s main themes of losing control and dancing in anyway you please. Due to the track’s success, it was released as a single throughout the world, rather than just for parts of Latin America and Europe.

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