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What is a canary release?

Unlike blue-green, canary deployments are smoother, and failures have limited impact. A canary release is an early build of an application. Splitting stable and development branches is a widespread strategy in the open-source world. Many projects use an odd/even numbering scheme to separate stable from the non-stable version.

What is a synthetic Canary?

For more information, see Security Considerations for Synthetics Canaries . A structure that contains input information for a canary run. If you omit this structure, the frequency of the canary is used as canary's timeout value, up to a maximum of 900 seconds.

What is a canary bird?

The word canary describes the rollout of software code to a subset of real end users. The term originated from coal mining and the phrase "canary in the coal mine." Canary birds have a lower tolerance to toxic gases than humans, so they were used to alert miners when these gases reached dangerous levels inside the mine.

What is the ID of a canary?

The ID of the canary. The state of the canary. For example, RUNNING . This example creates a canary that uses an existing script stored in an S3 bucket. The canary is started as soon as it is created. This example creates a canary and passes the script code directly into the canary.

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