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What is Carma coin (Carma)?

Carma Coin (CARMA) is currently ranked as the #18872 cryptocurrency by market cap. Today it reached a high of $0.000000, and now sits at $0.000000. Carma Coin is currently trading on 1 exchange, with a 24hr trade volume of $55. Play Slots Play & Win! Trade crypto!

What is karmacoin (Karma)?

Karmacoin (KARMA) represented the digital currency of Karmashares LLC, registered in the state of Wyoming. Karmashares proposed to create long-term value for investors by developing a variety of products and services. In short, Karmashares intended to serve as something of a cooperative entity.

How many karmacoins can be mined?

They planned on mining a maximum of 92 billion coins. The mining process incorporated the X11 protocol. First introduced by Dash, the X11 protocol claims to enhance security. CoinMarketCap currently lists Karmacoin at around $0.001074 USD, so for every 10 Karmacoins you own you have one penny.

What is karmashares and how does it work?

In short, Karmashares intended to serve as something of a cooperative entity. Members purchased shares, and they theoretically received profits on a quarterly basis. Only non-U.S. citizens and non-resident aliens of the U.S. qualified for membership.

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