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What is the meaning of the word guesser?

Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word guesser. A person who guesses; especially someone who can make a reasonable prediction from little evidence. Conjecturer; one who judges without certain knowledge. Etymology: from guess.

What is city-guesser?

city-guesser is game that helps you get better at GeoGuessr by helping you recognize patterns in the names of cities. It is currently set up to work for all the European countries on GeoGuessr, but it can easily be expanded to allow for an infinite amount of countries just by tweaking a few variables and adding to the CSV file.

What is languageguesser?

LanguageGuesser - Discover languages, discover music! Discover Languages Discover Music Discover the World! LanguageGuesser is a game where you have to recognize the languages in random music videos. Can you recognize or guess the following 50 languages?

What is a good guesser?

A person who guesses; especially someone who can make a reasonable prediction from little evidence. Conjecturer; one who judges without certain knowledge. Etymology: from guess. It is the opinion of divers good guessers, that the last fit will not be more violent than advantageous. Alexander Pope. Whom would’st thou resemble?

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