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What is the pub file extension?

The PUB file type is primarily associated with Publisher. What is a PUB file? PUB files mostly belong to Publisher by Microsoft. A PUB file is a document created by Publisher page layout design and desktop publishing software. It usually contains a single-/multi-page brochure, invitation, poster, or newsletter design project.

What is a micropub in Britain?

In Britain, a micropub is a very small, modern, one-room pub founded on principles set up by Martyn Hillier, the creator of the first micropub, The Butchers Arms in Herne, Kent, in 2005. Micropubs are "based upon good ale and lively banter", commonly with a strong focus on local cask ale.

What is pub/sub messaging?

Publish-subscribe messaging, or pub/sub messaging, is an asynchronous communication model that makes it easy for developers to build highly functional and architecturally complex applications in the cloud. In modern cloud architecture, applications are decoupled into smaller, independent building blocks called services.

What is a pub/sub pattern?

The pub/sub pattern makes the discovery of services easier, more natural, and less error-prone. Instead of maintaining a roster of peers so an application can send messages, a publisher will simply post messages to a topic. Then, any interested party will subscribe its endpoint to the topic and start receiving these messages.

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