I am trying to understand an ancient tax system related to temples. Specifically, I want to know about a tax that involved fish. What was this tax, and why was it levied? What role did fish play in this context?
7 answers
Fri Oct 18 2024
The artistic rendition of this miraculous event, painted by Augustin Tünger in 1486, vividly captures the moment when Peter retrieves the coin from the fish's mouth. The painting serves as a visual testament to the power of belief and the marvels of the divine.
Fri Oct 18 2024
The tale of the coin found in a fish's mouth is an enduring marvel attributed to Jesus Christ, narrated in the sacred text of Matthew's Gospel, specifically verses 17:24 to 27. This narrative serves as a testament to the divine intervention and miraculous deeds of Jesus.
Fri Oct 18 2024
The incident revolves around the Apostle Peter, who was instructed by Jesus to catch a fish and find within its mouth a coin to pay the temple tax. This extraordinary act serves as a symbol of faith and divine providence.
Thu Oct 17 2024
The fish depicted in the painting and the narrative, commonly referred to as 'Tilapia zilli' or 'St. Peter's fish,' holds a special significance in Christian tradition. It serves as a reminder of the divine intervention that occurred on that fateful day.
Thu Oct 17 2024
The culinary aspect of this fish, Tilapia zilli, adds an interesting twist to the tale. It is served in a Tiberias restaurant, where diners can savor the taste of this fish while also reflecting on its spiritual significance.