Who funds Athena?
I'm curious about the financial backers of Athena. I want to know who are the ones providing financial support or resources to this entity or project. Specifically, who funds Athena?

Who does Athena blind?
Could you please elaborate on the passage you've provided? As it stands, the phrase "Who does Athena blind?" is somewhat out of context without further details. However, assuming it refers to a mythological or historical narrative involving the Greek goddess Athena, let me pose a question that simulates the tone of a curious inquirer: "In the realm of ancient Greek mythology, Athena, the wise and strategic goddess of wisdom, warfare, and handicrafts, is known for her many feats and interventions. Yet, the question arises: Among the many characters and creatures that populate these tales, who precisely does Athena blind? Was it a mortal seeking forbidden knowledge, a rival god seeking to undermine her, or perhaps a beast that threatened the balance of nature? Uncovering the answer to this intriguing question requires delving into the depths of Greek mythology and its rich tapestry of stories.

Who does Athena hang out with?
I'm curious to know, who exactly does Athena spend her time with? Are they fellow investors in the cryptocurrency space, or perhaps individuals from the broader finance industry? Does she have a diverse network of contacts, or does she tend to stick to a particular group of people? It would be interesting to learn more about the individuals who influence her perspectives and decisions in the world of cryptocurrency and finance.

Who does Athena disguise herself as in book 4?
In the context of the fourth book, I'm curious to know: Who does Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strategy, disguise herself as? Is it a mortal form that allows her to blend in seamlessly with the mortals, or perhaps a creature of myth and legend that serves her purpose? Her disguises often serve a strategic purpose, so I'm eager to learn what form she takes on in this particular instance and what role it plays in the narrative.

What does Athena value?
Could you please elaborate on the values that Athena, as a cryptocurrency or financial entity, holds dear? Are there any specific principles or ideologies that guide its operations and decision-making processes? Understanding these values is crucial for assessing Athena's alignment with personal or corporate beliefs and goals. Additionally, how do these values influence Athena's interactions with its users, partners, and the broader cryptocurrency and financial communities?