How to get Gojo in aut?
I'm trying to figure out how to unlock or acquire Gojo in the game 'aut'. I've been playing for a while but haven't been able to get him. Can someone guide me through the steps or tell me what requirements I need to meet to get Gojo in the game?

Is Sans good in aut?
I've been playing Undertale recently and really like the character Sans. I'm curious if Sans is also a good character in the game Aut? I want to know if he's worth investing time and effort into for gameplay.

What is the best requiem stand in aut?
I'm interested in learning about the best requiem stands in the game 'A Universal Time'. I want to know which stand is considered the most powerful or effective in the current Meta of the game.

Is Broly good in aut?
I'm wondering if Broly is a good character in the game 'aut'. I'm considering using him, but I want to know if he's effective or not.

What is the heart used for in aut?
I'm curious about the role of the heart in aut. I want to know what specific function it serves and how it contributes to the overall system.