Can Kratos lift Mjolnir?
Could you elaborate on the feasibility of Kratos, a fictional character, lifting Mjolnir, the legendary hammer of Thor in Norse mythology? Are there any known characteristics or abilities possessed by Kratos that would suggest he could overcome the enchantment that allows only those deemed worthy by Odin to wield Mjolnir? Additionally, have there been any instances in literature, comics, or other media where Kratos has demonstrated a similar level of strength, courage, or honor that would align him with the qualities Odin values in a worthy wielder?

Is Stormbreaker stronger than Mjolnir?
In the realm of Norse mythology and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, two legendary weapons stand out: Stormbreaker, wielded by the mighty Thor Odinson, and Mjolnir, the iconic hammer of the Thunder God. As a devoted fan of the Marvel franchises, I must ask, does Stormbreaker truly surpass the might and prowess of Mjolnir? Granted, Stormbreaker was forged from the very essence of a dying star, a testament to its incredible power. However, Mjolnir, with its enchantments and centuries of Thor's mastery, is also a formidable weapon. In a clash between the two, would Stormbreaker's Stellar origins and modern technology prevail, or would Mjolnir's enchantments and age-old mysticism reign supreme? This is the question that must be pondered, for only in comparing these two epic weapons can we truly determine their relative strengths.