Has Satoshi Nakamoto sold any Bitcoin?
I'm wondering if Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, has sold any of his Bitcoins. I'm curious about his actions with the cryptocurrency he invented.

What is the most expensive thing in the world ever sold?
I'm curious about the most valuable item ever sold in the world. I want to know what that item is and how much it was sold for.

Can Pi coin be sold yet?
I'm wondering if Pi coin, which I've heard about recently, is already available for selling. I'd like to know if there's a market for it yet.

Are civics sold in Japan?
I am wondering if Honda Civics are available for purchase in Japan. I know they are popular in many other countries, but I'm not sure about Japan specifically.

Can sweat coins be sold?
I have some sweat coins and I'm wondering if it's possible to sell them. I've heard about people earning money through various means on sweatcoin app, but I'm not sure if selling the coins themselves is an option.