How do I stop a payment on my subscription?
I have a subscription service that I no longer want to continue paying for. However, I'm not sure how to stop the automatic payments from my account. Can someone please explain how I can cancel or stop these payments?

Can a bank stop you from withdrawing cash?
I'm wondering if a bank has the authority to prevent me from withdrawing my own cash. Could they possibly refuse my request for withdrawing money?

Can I stop BITS service?
I'm wondering if it's possible to stop the BITS service on my computer. I'm not sure what it does, but I'm considering disabling it for some reason.

How do I stop Gumroad payments?
I've been using Gumroad for some time now to sell my digital products, but recently I decided to switch to another platform. However, I'm still being charged by Gumroad and I can't seem to find a way to cancel the payments. How can I stop these payments?

At what age does RMD stop?
I want to know at what age does RMD, which I assume refers to a certain condition or process, come to a halt.