What year is the gold tiger?
I want to know which year is represented by the gold tiger in the Chinese zodiac and five elements system.

What year is Year of the Tiger metal?
I want to know which year is considered as the Year of the Tiger with the metal element in Chinese astrology.

What year sovereigns are rare?
I'm wondering which year's sovereign coins are considered rare and valuable. I'd like to know the specific years that these coins were minted.

What year did the U.S. dollar have the highest value?
I want to know the specific year when the value of the U.S. dollar reached its peak. I'm interested in finding out the highest point of the dollar's value in history.

What year is a Canadian penny worth money?
I have some old Canadian pennies and I'm wondering if they are worth anything. Specifically, I want to know which year of the Canadian penny has value or is considered rare.