Ctyptocurrency Prediction in 2022


Will cryptocurrencies soar and plummet in the foreseeable future, or will they seduce investors along an unpredictable path? Will bitcoin continue its volatility? Will regulation play a more important role? Which type of cryptocurrency will be the best bet in the coming year?
Looking forward to the future of cryptocurrency, if there are any signs in the past, cryptocurrency investors will usher in an exciting journey. Some interesting cryptocurrency forecasts include.


Towards Cryptocurrency Collapse or Exciting Climb

Cryptocurrency prices are likely to fall further in 2022. They jumped to an all-time high of nearly $69000 in November, but are now below $50000, down nearly 30% from their high. Carol Alexander, a professor of finance at the University of Sussex, predicts that bitcoin will plummet to a low of $10000 in 2022, which will erase most of its gains in the past year and a half.

Others believe there will be no collapse in 2022. Yuya Hasegawa, a cryptocurrency market analyst at bitbank, Japan’s digital asset exchange, believes that the most important risk factor is the [quantitative reduction] of the Federal Reserve. He believes that this has been decided and may have been priced.

Sayantani Sanyal reported that many factors point to the rise of bitcoin price, that is, the acceptance of higher demand for bitcoin ETF by enterprises. In analytics insight, Sanyal said that market analysts predicted that bitcoin could reach $100000 by the end of 2023, and others said it could climb to this level in the first quarter of 2022. Others wrote that bitcoin will not reach more than $70000 by the end of 2022. In short, cryptocurrency forecasts are here.


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Focus on  Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Emerging cryptocurrency developments, such as decentralized Finance (DeFi) and decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) “may be the highest growth area of cryptocurrency”, said Bryan gross, network administrator of cryptocurrency platform Ichi. DeFi aims to recreate traditional financial products without middlemen, and Dao can be regarded as a new Internet community. In 2021, more than US $200 billion was deposited into defi services, and the demand is expected to grow in 2022.

Carroll Alexander said that investors who want to make profits in the small field of cryptocurrency should focus on Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot and Cardano coins in 2022.

CNBC reports that DeFi is part of a broader trend known as Web3. Supporters of Web3 assert that online platforms are under the control of a few companies, such as Amazon, apple, alphabet and meta, the parent company of Facebook. Web3 calls for the establishment of a new, decentralized Internet iteration that incorporates blockchains and irreplaceable tokens. However, entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey remain skeptical.

More Investors Will Adopt Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency forecast. According to the ascent report, ric Edelman, founder of the digital assets committee of financial professionals, predicts that more than 500 million people worldwide will own bitcoin by the end of 2022. Cointelegraph, blockfi co-founder Flori Marquez agreed that the clarity of regulation and improved understanding of the industry will help promote more adoption.
Cryptocurrency forecast #3: the first spot bitcoin ETF may be approved.

Some cryptocurrency investors predict that the first spot bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) in the United States may be approved this year to give investors direct access to the cryptocurrency itself. The securities and Exchange Commission allowed the launch of ProShares’s bitcoin strategy ETF last year, but it only tracks bitcoin futures contracts. However, as the market is now large and mature enough, analysts believe that bitcoin spot ETF will be approved.


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The First Spot Bitcoin ETF May be Approved

Some cryptocurrency investors predict that the first spot bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) in the United States may be approved this year to give investors direct access to the cryptocurrency itself. The securities and Exchange Commission allowed the launch of ProShares’s bitcoin strategy ETF last year, but it only tracks bitcoin futures contracts. However, as the market is now large and mature enough, analysts believe that bitcoin spot ETF will be approved.


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