US Federal Election Donations Can Now Be Made in Cryptocurrency


The federal election is coming? Now you can donate to your favorite candidate in cryptocurrency. However, the election will remain an absolute spectator.

Elections are becoming quite a circus, especially in the United States. This is enough for anyone to want the Dao to take over and make all our decisions through silent, quiet and calm voting. However. Before this fantasy happens, we still have several completely rough elections waiting for us.

For cryptocurrency enthusiasts, there is light in half of the tunnel. You can now donate money to the campaign in cryptocurrency.

Federal Election Contributions

According to companies that accept cryptocurrency, it is the first major federal election donation platform to accept cryptocurrency donations. Crowdpac, the company, said it would simplify the donation process and ensure that campaigns using its services comply with the rules of the Federal Election Commission.

“Crowdpac’s donors understand the power of technology and want it to be used to support politicians and issues they care about. By accepting cryptocurrencies, Crowdpac is helping its members innovate and get rid of the shackles of big party processors who prefer deep-rooted status quo and do not accept these innovative payment methods,” said Christopher tavlarides of Crowdpac


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How Does Cryptocurrency Reach Candidates

Crowdpac said that when cryptocurrency is donated, “the donation is cleared and the funds are passed to the campaign team through direct deposit or check to ensure that the campaign team receives and can use the donation immediately”.

Crowdpac claims to have 4 million users and 360000 donors. 65% are women and ethnic minorities. “We are enabling grassroots candidates who have traditionally been excluded from the political process to simply compete and win. More Americans than ever – at least one in five – are now using cryptocurrency.”

We want them to know that they can and should make cryptocurrency work and expand their voice,” taff larides said. Crowdpac was launched in 2014 and has raised more than $32 million in pledges and contributions. Contributions averaged $53.37.

Meanwhile, a Japanese start-up company has just obtained a development fund to establish an electronic voting system based on blockchain and embed user ID. Hopefully that means voting will be a less disgusting idea.

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