Beware of Fraudulent BTCC Websites


BTCC recently noticed spoof websites that are set up with our exchange’s name “BTCC” or names similar to ours. Impersonating official BTCC accounts, some of them promoted campaigns in an attempt to get users’ information by asking them to fill out questionnaires.


These sites often look similar or even almost identical to the official BTCC site. The only way to tell if it's our official site is by looking at the website address, which is noticeably different from our official URL. 

We would like to clarify that our only official website has always been https://www.btcc.comAny sites that show the BTCC logo but carry a different domain are fraudulent sites imitating the real BTCC website.


Our official website:


Aside from our official site, here’s our official app on App Store and Google Play:

App Store: 

Google Play: 



Please also note that below are the main official social media channels of BTCC:


English (Global)



Telegram: VIP4 and above users receive personalized customer manager services (via Telegram). For more details, please consult our customer service.

WhatsApp: Our only official WhatsApp channel is for users at VIP3 or above. Invitation links are only sent to users eligible for this service via email.


Japanese (Japan)


Korean (South Korea)


Kakaotalk Channel:  

Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)



Tips to protect yourself


Bookmark to ensure you are visiting our official website every time.

Never give out any personal information or make deposits to their platforms when approached by representatives from sites that look suspicious.

Contact our customer service team if you have any questions. Our specialists are happy to help with any queries you might have.

Report a scam website/app


If you come across a suspicious website/app that uses our exchange’s name or logo, please report the site to us by contacting our customer service team via Live Chat on web or app immediately. For the security of your assets, please do not register an account on the fraudulent website or give out any personal information to the impersonators.


Thank you very much for your attention in this matter.


The BTCC team