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What is the price of Agrotech Yuksek Teknoloji ve Yatirim as?

The Agrotech Yuksek Teknoloji ve Yatirim AS stock price today is 12.73. What Is the Stock Symbol for Agrotech Yuksek Teknoloji ve Yatirim AS? The stock ticker symbol for Agrotech Yuksek Teknoloji ve Yatirim AS is AGROT. Is AGROT the Same as $AGROT?

What is the stock ticker symbol for Agrotech Yuksek Teknoloji ve Yatirim?

The stock ticker symbol for Agrotech Yuksek Teknoloji ve Yatirim AS is AGROT. Is AGROT the Same as $AGROT? $AGROT is a common way to refer to the Agrotech Yuksek Teknoloji ve Yatirim AS ticker symbol in social media, forums, and online discussions. The dollar sign is a shorthand convention used to indicate that it is a stock ticker symbol

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