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What does Ailm mean in Celtic astrology?

Ailm is the Celtic symbol derived from the letter “A” of the Celtic Ogham alphabet. Ailm represents strength, endurance and resilience, healing, protection, purification, guidance, fertility, pure energy, clarity, good health, integrity and objectivity.

What does Ailm mean?

Ailm is thought to be the Old Irish word for fir or pine tree. In the manuscripts, each letter was associated with kennings, short cryptic phrases that are difficult to understand. Some of these kennings are symbolic, while others are descriptive, giving practical information.

What does Ailm symbolize?

When thinking about Ailm as a symbol of inner strength, these beginnings could symbolise the start of a self-healing process, the beginning of understanding, or perhaps a renewed sense of purpose. A number of Ogham letters have been confirmed to be linked to trees, such as Duir (D) with oak and Beith (B) with birch.

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