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What is bitten?

BITTEN is a TOP LEADING FAUCET made in Role Playing Game style. In the BITTEN World you are a Vampire that needs to do different tasks in order to get Blood and Energy in order to survive. You can get Blood, Energy and Level UP by:

What is sbiten?

Sbiten or in Russian is сбитень which is a traditional Russian hot drink that is usually served in winter. Sbiten has a deep purple appearance and different flavors, depending on the recipe. It can taste very spicy or very sweet.

What is BitTitan?

About BitTitan: BitTitan, Inc. is a Redmond, WA based software as a service (SaaS) company that delivers innovative solutions to individuals, consultants, system integrators, hosted providers and telecoms. Since 2007, BitTitan has provided automated self-service solutions to streamline the adoption of new communication systems.

What is bitenet & how does it work?

BiteNet is a computational approach for the large-scale detection of binding sites, that considers protein conformations as the 3D-images, binding sites as the objects on these images to detect, and conformational ensembles of proteins as the 3D-videos to analyze.

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