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What does “happen” mean?

The meaning of “happen” has not fundamentally changed over the years, but there are various nuances in its definition. In its most common usage, it means to “hhave existence” or to “take place,” as in the following examples: There is a scratch on my car, but I’m not sure how it happened. A funny thing happened on my way to work this morning.

What does it mean to append a document?

Did you know? Append is a somewhat formal word. Lawyers, for example, often speak of appending items to other documents, and lawmakers frequently append small bills to big ones, hoping that everyone will be paying attention only to the main part of the big bill and won't notice.

What is an example of an appendix?

Lawyers, for example, often speak of appending items to other documents, and lawmakers frequently append small bills to big ones, hoping that everyone will be paying attention only to the main part of the big bill and won't notice. When we append a small separate section to the end of a report or a book, we call it an appendix.

What is the difference between attachment and appendix?

When we append a small separate section to the end of a report or a book, we call it an appendix. But in the early years of email, the words we decided on were attach and attachment, probably because appendixes are thought of as unimportant, whereas the attachment is often the whole reason for sending an email.

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