Excuse me, I've been hearing a lot about RadAway and its ability to mitigate the effects of radiation poisoning. However, I'm curious about its effectiveness in another area - can RadAway truly remove all mutations caused by radiation exposure? I understand that mutations can vary in severity and type, so is there any scenario where RadAway might not be able to fully eradicate a mutation? Furthermore, are there any alternative treatments or methods that one might consider in conjunction with RadAway to address persistent mutations? Thank you for your insight.
7 answers
Wed Sep 04 2024
By unlocking and equipping Starched Genes, players can prevent their mutations from being randomly cured by RadAway or other similar remedies, ensuring their mutation load remains intact.
Wed Sep 04 2024
In the realm of Fallout 76, RadAway's functionality differs significantly from conventional understanding. It does not selectively target and reverse the most recent mutation acquired by the player.
Wed Sep 04 2024
Rather, upon its utilization, RadAway presents a randomized effect, with the potential to cure any of the player's accumulated mutations, regardless of the order in which they were acquired.
Wed Sep 04 2024
This mechanic adds an element of unpredictability to the game, as players cannot be certain which mutation will be eradicated upon administering RadAway.
Wed Sep 04 2024
For those who have grown fond of their current set of mutations, the Starched Genes perk becomes a vital tool for safeguarding them.