What is CVault Finance?
CVault Finance, also known as CORE, is a decentralized profit-generating strategy execution platform designed to avoid inflation. It allows community decision-making on various aspects, from developer fees to mining pool adjustments. CORE aims to achieve great community management and provides incentives for participants in its ecosystem.
What does indexed mean in finance?
I'm trying to understand the meaning of 'indexed' in the context of finance. Could someone explain what it signifies and how it applies to financial investments or products?
What is the purpose of an index finance?
I'm trying to understand the reason or objective behind index finance. What does it aim to achieve or what is its main purpose?
What is a parachute in finance?
I'm trying to understand the financial term 'parachute'. Could someone explain what it means in the context of finance or investing?
What does MEC mean in finance?
MEC in finance stands for Marginal Efficiency of Capital, an important concept in economics. It refers to the expected additional output brought by increasing one unit of capital, serving as a metric to gauge the return on investment. The concept was introduced by John Maynard Keynes, emphasizing that investment decisions hinge on the comparison between the expected rate of return and the cost of borrowing, i.e., the interest rate.