How do I know if I accidentally airdropped someone something?
I'm worried that I might have accidentally airdropped a file to someone. How can I check if I really did send something via airdrop unintentionally?

How to figure out who airdropped you?
I received an airdrop on my phone, but I'm not sure who sent it. Is there a way to trace back and find out who airdropped me? I want to know who sent the file.

Can you turn off AirDrop?
I'm trying to figure out how to disable AirDrop on my device. I'm concerned about my privacy and don't want others to be able to send files to my phone or computer without my permission. Can someone help me with this?

What does it look like when someone airdrops?
I'm wondering how an airdrop appears to others. What are the visual cues or notifications that someone has received an airdrop? Does it pop up on their screen or is there some other way to know?

How to check AirDrop on iPhone?
I'm trying to figure out how to check the status of AirDrop on my iPhone. I want to make sure it's turned on so I can easily share files with other devices.