What is awesome in German slang?
I'm curious about German slang and want to know what words or expressions are considered awesome or cool in that language. I'm looking for something that would impress my German friends or make me sound more like a native speaker.
What is awesome in Brazilian slang?
I'm curious about the cool and unique expressions used in Brazilian slang. I want to know what words or phrases are considered awesome or impressive in their informal language.
Why is biking so awesome?
So, tell me, why exactly is biking so awesome? Is it just the thrill of the wind in your hair and the rush of adrenaline as you pedal down the open road? Or is there something deeper, more profound about the experience that makes it so alluring? Do the health benefits play a role, or is it more about the sense of freedom and adventure that comes with exploring new places on two wheels? I'm genuinely curious to hear your thoughts on what makes biking such a fantastic activity.