What is the BGB discount on Bitget?
I'm interested in finding out about the BGB discount offered on Bitget. I want to know the specifics of this discount and how it applies to transactions or purchases on the Bitget platform.
Can I use Bitget in the US?
I'm wondering if it's possible to use Bitget in the United States. I've heard about this platform and its services, but I'm not sure if it's available or legal to use in my country.
How many Bitget coins are there?
I'm wondering about the total number of Bitget coins that are currently in circulation or exist. Could someone please provide me with this information?
Can US users use Bitget?
I'm a US resident and I'm wondering if I can use Bitget in my country. I've heard about this platform and I'm interested in its services, but I'm not sure if it's available for US users.
Is Bitget better than Binance?
I'm considering which cryptocurrency exchange platform to use and I'm torn between Bitget and Binance. I want to know if Bitget offers any advantages over Binance in terms of features, security, or user experience.